Hire a car and driver in Dimapur

The most populous and fast growing city of Nagaland, located on the border with Assam. The name Dimapur has been derived from the combination of three words  Di means "water", ma means "large" and pur means "city". The triple falls, Kachari ruins, Zoological Park, Nagaland Science centre, Rangapahar reserve forest are some of the popular tourist attractions.

Flying to Dimapur: Dimapur Airport (7.3 km away) is nearby airport offers flights in domestic regions like Imphal, Kolkata, Guwahati, Delhi.

Driving to Dimapur:

Destination Distance (km) Time (hh:mm)
Guwahati 158 km 3:21
Majuli 464 km 11:22
Aizawl 599 km 17:30
Imphal 618 km 16:36
Agartala 672 km 16:33

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