Hire a car and driver in Lallmatie

Lallmatie is a village in the Flacq district of Mauritius. The area has a population of about 11,910 and the residents speak Bhojpuri, English, French and Mauritian Creole. The whole region is bifurcated into three parts namely, the Royal Road Lallmatie, The residential area and the Giroday Road Lallmatie. A major area here includes a wide variety of flora and fauna and even has luxurious vegetation. Lallmatie is also bounded by the sugarcane fields.

Flying to Lallmatie: Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport is the airport serving the island of Mauritius. It lies at a distance of 49.3 km from Lalmatie. The airport offers international flights to Antananarivo, Bengaluru, Cape Town, Delhi, Dubai, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, London, Mahe, Mumbai, Paris, Shanghai and Zurich.

Driving to Lallmatie:

Destination Distance (km) Time (hh:mm)
Bon Accueil 2.2 km 0:05
Poste de Flacq 11.7 km 0:18
Ripailles 12.6 km 0:19
Moka 22.9 km 0:33
Trou d'Eau Douce 24 km 0:33

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